Info: Description

    • Animate:
    360-degree view animation
    • Wireframe:
    Displays only model edges.
    • Shading without edges:
    Displays only surfaces.
    • Shading with edges:
    Displays the entire model.
    • Top Bottom:
    Rotates vertically on the Z-axis.
    • Front Back:
    Rotates vertically on the Y-axis.
    • Left Right:
    Rotates vertically on the X-axis.
    • Zoom -:
    Zooms out the view.
    • Zoom +:
    Zooms in the view.
    • Measure:
    Measures from and between elements.
    • Section View:
    Creates a section in the view.
    • Screenshot:
    Downloads a screenshot.

Info: Description

Window for app functions. Fill out the fields, confirm the action, or return with X.

Info: Description

Measure: choose between two elements or the length of individual geometries. Click one or two objects in the 3D CAD.

Info: Description

With the checkboxes, you can set the behavior of the tools. Repeat for multiple element creation. Automatic relationship creation. Show grid and set the size of the grid to which points will snap.

Info: Description

Window for creating new documents. Unsaved changes will be lost. Choose a product or return with X.

Info: Description

Save parts under your own account for later use or ordering. The part number serves as the identity of your part.

Info: Description

Open created, saved parts, or assemblies.

Info: Description

Download documents for external use.

Info: Description

Download design data for external use.

Info: Description

Set personal options like colors and app behavior.

Info: Description

Upload CAD data for use in our system. Search for a local file and confirm the action. The file will then be available as a basis for further editing.

Info: Description

Rectangular pattern: Creates a pseudo-assembly with a rectangular pattern.

Info: Description

Circular pattern: Creates a pseudo-assembly with a rotationally symmetric pattern.


Info: Description

    • Load Data:
    Opening of own CAD files. The geometry can then be modified.
    • Profile:
    A sketch profile is rotated around an axis (default X). The resulting volume is added.
    • Step:
    A sketch is rotated around an axis (default X). Volume is subtracted.
    • Pocket:
    Select a flat surface from which the pocket should originate and draw a shape in the sketch.
    • Drilling:
    Insert holes, threads, and countersinks at sketch points.
    • Rounding:
    Select edges and round them with a radius.
    • Chamfer:
    Select edges that should receive a chamfer.
    • External Thread:
    Select a flat surface for the external thread. Required undercut and cylindrical element are automatically created.


Info: Description

    • Fit:
    Set diameter tolerances on round surfaces.
    • Distance Tolerance:
    Specify distance tolerances between two surfaces.
    • Surface:
    Select surface roughness of surfaces.


Info: Description

    • New:
    Clears the content of the sketch.
    • DXF Upload:
    Opens a dialog for uploading a DXF file.
    • Rectangle:
    Creates a rectangle using two points.
    • Circle:
    Creates a full circle with a start point and radius.
    • Hexagon:
    Creates a hexagon using the center and outer point.
    • Long Hole:
    Inserts a long hole shape using the center points of the circular arcs.
    • Cam:
    Draws a cam using the center points of circular arcs with different radii.
    • Triangle:
    Creates a triangle.
    • Parallelogram:
    Creates a parallelogram with an inclination angle.
    • Trapezoid:
    Creates a trapezoid with two inclination angles.


Info: Description

    • Point:
    Inserts a point into the sketch.
    • Line:
    Creates a line with two endpoints.
    • Polyline:
    Creates a polyline that can be closed. Click on an existing point to finish the process.
    • Arc:
    Creates a partial circle from three points with a radius.


Info: Description

    • Chamfer:
    Inserts a line at the selected corner point and trims adjacent elements.
    • Rounding:
    • designElement:
    Changes the element status between construction and auxiliary element. Auxiliary elements are not considered in volume generation.
    • Trim:
    Trimming removes segments from the sketch. Activate the mode and select one or more segments to be deleted in the sketch.


Info: Description

    • Fixation:
    Creates an X-Y coordinate position at points.
    • Element Dimension:
    Creates a dimension for an element.
    • Offset:
    Defines the distance between two elements.
    • Angle:
    Sets an angle between two lines.
    • Congruence:
    Overlays two points, making them identical.
    • Horizontal:
    Defines lines in the horizontal direction.
    • Vertical:
    Defines lines in the vertical direction.
    • Tangential:
    Positions circles and lines with a tangent condition.
    • Orthogonal:
    Sets two lines perpendicular to each other.


Info: Description

The working plane represents the starting point for editing. For the sketch, selecting the working plane results in an origin point, from which all dimensions depend. Also, all depth measurements depend on the chosen plane.

Working Plane:

Info: Description

    • Change Working Plane:
    Activate plane switching by clicking the button and select a new reference plane in the 3D model.
    • Change Working Plane:
    Activate plane switching by clicking the button and select a new reference plane in the 3D model.
    • Change Working Plane:
    Activate plane switching by clicking the button and select a new reference plane in the 3D model.
    • Change Working Plane:
    Activate plane switching by clicking the button and select a new reference plane in the 3D model.


Info: Description

The working plane represents the starting point for editing. For the sketch, selecting the working plane results in an origin point, from which all dimensions depend. Also, all depth measurements depend on the chosen plane.

Working Plane:

Info: Description

    • Change Working Plane:
    Activate plane switching by clicking the button and select a new reference plane in the 3D model.
    • Change Working Plane:
    Activate plane switching by clicking the button and select a new reference plane in the 3D model.
    • Change Working Plane:
    Activate plane switching by clicking the button and select a new reference plane in the 3D model.
    • Change Working Plane:
    Activate plane switching by clicking the button and select a new reference plane in the 3D model.

Turned Parts

Part Properties:


Info: Part Properties

Enter a name for the part that best reflects its properties.

The description helps you to better find your part later and understand the purpose of the design.

Configure the desired material of the part, surface coating, or hardening.


Info: Operations

This is a list of all 3D operations on the part. Here you can change, edit, or delete the name, color of the respective surfaces. By moving the mouse over the part, you can trace the history of the component.
Description: Turning on horizontal or vertical lathes. The machine holds rotationally symmetric workpieces in the chuck and shapes them by radially removing material to the desired form. After shaping, the machine can perform further operations such as drilling and pocketing on the workpiece. The process is cost-effective and highly efficient, offering high accuracy and surface finish.



Info: Description

The sketch can be oriented along a coordinate axis or centrally using the direction arrows.

Transform Origin:

Info: Description

Incremental shifting or rotation of the local coordinate system. The change affects the entire sketch position.


Info: Description

List of all elements in the sketch.

Rectangular pattern:

∆ x:
∆ y:
num x:
num y:

Info: Rectangular pattern

On the left side, the Pattern action can be executed. The values stored in the input fields are taken into account.

On the right side of the dialog, the shape of the pattern can be defined in terms of horizontal number, vertical number, and horizontal distance, vertical distance.

Circular pattern:


Info: Circular pattern

Clicking the button applies the values in the dialog to the sketch.

In the input fields, a point in X and Y can be specified around which the sketch should be rotated. Then, an intermediate angle and the desired number of copies must be specified.

Description: The sketcher is used to create 2D geometries as a basis for various modeling operations in 3D space. Besides the quick selection for basic shapes, you can create, modify, and delete your own paths with segments. Constraints are small mathematical formulas that are attached to objects upon selection to define the position and alignment precisely. The constraints can remain throughout the entire design process.


Description: Rotationally symmetric shafts as raw parts.


Description: Rotationally symmetric removal of volume as a pocket.


Description: Pocket milling is a subfield of milling that focuses on creating pockets or recesses in workpieces. In this process, the workpiece is mounted on a machine tool, and a rotating mill is lowered into the workpiece to remove material from the surface and create a pocket or recess. Pocket milling is often used in the manufacturing of components where specific areas of the workpiece need to be removed to create space for other components or to achieve specific shapes. An example of this is the production of housings for electronic devices, where pockets need to be milled for batteries, circuit boards, and other components. To ensure precise and repeatable production of pockets or recesses, various parameters must be considered. These include choosing the appropriate mill, feed rate, spindle speed, and cutting force. Careful planning and programming of the milling process are also required to ensure that the workpiece is machined exactly to the specifications. Different types of mills can be used for pocket milling. These include slot mills, end mills, ball nose cutters, and many others. Each mill has


Standard drilling:

Info: Standard drilling, select depth and diameter for a simple, cylindrical drilling with a bottom cone.

Through the dialog, you can define the depth of the operation or a pocket.

Thread drilling:

Info: Thread drilling, select the thread depth and thread designation. The depth value refers to the actual thread depth.

Through the dialog, you can define the depth of the operation or a pocket.

Cylinder countersink:

Info: Countersink

Select the geometry of the countersink, cylinder countersink, and cone countersink.

Cone countersink:

Info: Countersink

Select the geometry of the countersink, cylinder countersink, and cone countersink.
Description: Drilling on a milling machine is a cutting manufacturing process that offers many advantages but also some challenges. However, with the right choice of tools, cutting conditions, and machine settings, precise and efficient drillings can be produced on a milling machine.


Edge radius:

Info: Edge radius

Radii are applied with a radius cutter, resulting in a high surface finish.

Selected edges:

Please select edge(s) in 3D...

Info: Selected edges

In the 3D window, the edges to be edited can be selected and deselected.
Description: Roundings can be added to the edges of the workpiece. They represent post-processing of basic contours. By rounding the edges, parts can be quickly and geometrically accurately shaped.



Info: Chamfer

Chamfers are applied with a chamfer cutter, resulting in a high surface finish, and the width is freely selectable.

Selected edges:

Please select edge(s) in 3D...

Info: Selected edges

In the 3D window, the edges to be edited can be selected and deselected.
Description: Chamfers are shaped similarly to roundings. Edges that need to be divided can be selected and provided with a desired chamfer.

External Thread


Info: Depth

Through the dialog, you can define the depth of the operation or a pocket.
Description: Select a plane on which the external thread should start. The diameter, pitch, and undercut are determined according to the standard thread selection.


Tolerance Grade:

Info: Edge radius

Radii are applied with a radius cutter, resulting in a high surface finish.
Description: Fits can be selected on round surfaces, resulting in the desired accuracy of the diameter depending on whether it is an external or internal fit.


Select Tolerance:

Info: Edge radius

Radii are applied with a radius cutter, resulting in a high surface finish.
Description: Select two surfaces that should have the desired distance tolerance relative to each other.


Select Surface Roughness:

Info: Edge radius

Radii are applied with a radius cutter, resulting in a high surface finish.
Description: Select surfaces that should have a higher surface finish.
Material0 mm
Width0 mm
Height0 mm
Depth0 mm
Radius0 mm
Diameter0 mm
Length0 mm
    • Weight:
    • 0 kg
    • Delivery time:
    • 0 Working days
    • Net price:
    • 0
    • additional parts each:
    • 0
    • inlcuding VAT:
    • 0 %
    • Gross price:
    • 0
    • amont: